Why You Should Plan Early for Vacation

Yes, we are only a handful of days officially in summer, but now is the time to start making your travel plans for fall and winter.  By getting a jump start now, you’ll have a better chance of getting the trip you want and be able to take advantage of deals on the table right now. 

Here are just three of many reasons to plan ahead for fall and winter vacations now, and some promotions that can help you save this year!

1. First Shot at Promotions

While there are some great sales out there for the end of the year, many times there will be a limited availability for promotions. If you wait too long, you could miss the window of opportunity to save some money.

2. Take Your Time Planning

When you have months before your trip, you have time to absorb all the information about your destination. It can be stressful to feel rushed into making decisions. Give yourself the time to slow down and feel confident in the choices you’re making. 

3. More Time to Budget

If you’re someone who saves ahead of time and then books your vacation, great! If not, planning ahead gives you more time to incorporate your vacation costs into your monthly budget. 

If you’re hoping to vacation before 2023 comes to a close, now is the time to make those plans. I’m here to help you find the destination that works best for you!


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